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브리태니커 온라인 (한양대 도서관)
fine art
미를 표현하는 예술.
특히 시각에 호소하는 예술로 회화·조각·건축 등을 말한다. 그러나 'fine art'란 본래 조형예술만을 뜻하는 것이 아니라 예술 전반을 포함한 것이며, 그 역어로서의 '미술'은 개념이 명확하지 않다고 할 수 있다. 이 '예술'이라는 말은 중국 〈후한서 後漢書〉에서도 볼 수 있는 오래된 개념으로 학문·기예를 가리키며 당시에는 아직 미술이라는 말은 없었다. 청말(淸末)이 되어 역대의 미술론을 편집한 〈미술총서 美術叢書〉가 만들어졌는데 이것은 서주(西周) 이후부터 쓰인 것으로 생각된다. 아무튼 미술이라는 말은 그 원어 본래의 의미를 떠나 현대에 이르기까지 활발히 사용되고 있다. 미술이란 무엇이냐 하는 본질적인 개념을 정의하기란 매우 어려우며 시대와 장소, 또는 그때의 사회현상에 따라 개념이 변천하는 경향이 있다.
Art, also called (to distinguish it from other art forms) visual art, a visual object or experience consciously created through an expression of skill or imagination. The term art encompasses diverse media such as painting, sculpture, printmaking, drawing, decorative arts, photography, and installation.
The various visual arts exist within a continuum that ranges from purely aesthetic purposes at one end to purely utilitarian purposes at the other. Such a polarity of purpose is reflected in the commonly used terms artist and artisan, the latter understood as one who gives considerable attention to the utilitarian.
This should by no means be taken as a rigid scheme, however. Even within one form of art, motives may vary widely; thus a potter or a weaver may create a highly functional work that is at the same time beautiful—a salad bowl, for example, or a blanket—or may create works that have no purpose beyond being admired.
In cultures such as those of Africa and Oceania, a definition of art that encompasses this continuum has existed for centuries. In the West, however, by the mid-18th century the development of academies for painting and sculpture established a sense that these media were “art” and therefore separate from more utilitarian media. This separation of art forms continued among art institutions until the late 20th century, when such rigid distinctions began to be questioned.
Particularly in the 20th century, a different sort of debate arose over the definition of art. A seminal moment in this discussion occurred in 1917, when Dada artist Marcel Duchamp submitted a porcelain urinal entitled Fountain to a public exhibition in New York City. Through this act, Duchamp put forth a new definition of what constitutes a work of art: he implied that it is enough for an artist to deem something “art” and put it in a publicly accepted venue. Implicit within this gesture was a challenge to the established art institutions—such as museums, exhibiting groups, and galleries—that have the power to determine what is and is not considered art. Such intellectual experimentation continued throughout the 20th century in movements such as conceptual art and minimalism. By the turn of the 21st century, a variety of new media (e.g., video art) further challenged traditional definitions of art.
Art is treated in a number of articles. For general discussions of the foundations, principles, practice, and character of art, see aesthetics. See also art conservation and restoration.
For the technical and theoretical aspects of traditional categories of art, seedrawing; painting; printmaking; sculpture. For technical and historical discussions of decorative arts and furnishings, see basketry; enamelwork; floral decoration; furniture; glassware; interior design; lacquerwork; metalwork; mosaic; pottery; rug and carpet; stained glass; tapestry. See photography for a complete history of that medium.
For treatments of the various arts as practiced by specific peoples and cultures, see, for example, African art; Central Asian arts; Egyptian art and architecture; Islamic arts; Oceanic art and architecture; South Asian arts.
김달진 미술연구소 (윤범모 교수. 청나라부터 있던 용어인데, 일본이 무엇을 번역했다는 것인지?)
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